It’s not difficult to find someone who doesn’t have clogged thigh muscles. They trigger discomfort in the lower back and knees, which is a very common complaint these days. The problem may be caused by a variety of factors. But it all boils down to the fact that people are sedentary at work, on the way to work, while watching TV, and in a variety of other circumstances.
Hip pain is commonly caused by sitting for several hours per day. This is because these muscles are squeezed for a long time while you sit all day. They can eventually be pinched as a result of this. This effect is inconvenient and provides little advantage when exercising. Stiffness can limit your range of motion, which can impact anything from how deep you can squat or lunge to how much light jogging you can do.
Uttita Ashva Sanchalanasana (high lunge pose)
✔️With your left foot, take a big step forward, extending your feet nearly the entire length of the mat.
✔️Lift the heel off the floor by bending the knee of the forward leg and straightening the one behind it. Bend your front leg to the point that your thigh is parallel to the ground.
✔️Shift the basin to the right.
✔️Reach up and stretch your arms toward the ceiling on either side of your shoulders. You can feel the muscles stretch throughout this time.
✔️Hold your breath for at least 5 seconds before switching sides.
This pose can be taught in a variety of ways by different instructors. Don’t worry if it’s a little different with your hands on the mat on either side of your forward leg, for example.
The hip and quadriceps flexors are stretched.
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Uttan Prishasana (Lizard Pose)
✔️Place your left foot as high as possible on the mat’s edge from a low lunge. With the inside of your left knee, place both hands on the floor.
✔️If the stretch is comfortable for you, you should remain in this spot. Place your forearms on the floor if you want to stretch the muscles even more.
✔️By tilting the body to the right and allowing the knee to open, you can achieve an even greater impact (as seen above). Keep your right hand on the floor for support, and gently force your left knee away from your body with your left hand.
✔️Hold your breath for at least 5 seconds before switching sides.
The outer thigh muscles (adductors), including the gluteus medius, are stretched in this lizard pose variation.
Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge)
✔️Simply lower the knee of your back leg to the floor, stretching it all out on the mat, as in the previous asana.
✔️Hold your breath for at least 5 seconds before switching sides.
The perineum and hip flexor muscles are involved.
Pose of the lizard in a twist
✔️Shift the body to the right and open the ribcage to the left from the lizard pose.
✔️Bend your right knee and use your left hand to catch your right leg.
✔️Hold your breath for at least 5 seconds before switching sides.
This is another lizard pose variant that stretches the hip flexors and quads, as well as the external (adductors) muscles like the gluteus medius.
Pose of the Hero / Virasana
✔️Kneel with your knees together, hips parallel to the board, and your feet facing down.
✔️Spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders and place your feet evenly on the mat.
✔️Slowly take a seat on the mat between your thighs. Place a block under your tailbone for support if this puts too much pressure on your knees or sore thigh muscles (as shown in the photo).
✔️Place your hands on your hips.
✔️For at least 5 seconds, hold your breath.
Gomukhasana (Cow Head Pose)
✔️Cross your legs when standing in a comfortable stance (hands on the floor shoulder-width apart, knees on the floor so that your hips are perpendicular to the surface). In order to form a single line, the right knee should be in front of the left knee.
✔️Spread your knees so that you can lie between your thighs on the mat. Sit on a block or blanket if one of your thighs is higher than the other.
✔️If it is easy for you, you should sit up straight. Tilt your body forward over your hips and stretch your arms in front of you, pressing your palms against the mat, if you want to add dimension. In front of the knees, a block can be put on the forehead.
✔️Hold your breath for at least 5 seconds before switching sides.
Stretches the abductors (outer thigh muscles), which include the gluteus medius.
Gomukhasana (Cow Head Pose)
✔️Cross your legs when standing in a comfortable stance (hands on the floor shoulder-width apart, knees on the floor so that your hips are perpendicular to the surface). In order to form a single line, the right knee should be in front of the left knee.
✔️Spread your knees so that you can lie between your thighs on the mat. Sit on a block or blanket if one of your thighs is higher than the other.
✔️If it is easy for you, you should sit up straight. Tilt your body forward over your hips and stretch your arms in front of you, pressing your palms against the mat, if you want to add dimension. In front of the knees, a block can be put on the forehead.
✔️Hold your breath for at least 5 seconds before switching sides.
Stretches the abductors (outer thigh muscles), which include the gluteus medius.
Supta Kapotasana (dove lying pose)
✔️Lie down on your back with your feet flat on the concrete.
✔️Cross them, with the left overtaking the centre.
✔️Lift the right leg from the ground.
✔️Grasp your right leg behind your back and draw it softly towards your stomach.
✔️Stay in place until you’ve reached a comfortable stretch.
✔️Hold your breath for at least 5 seconds before switching sides.
Stretches the abductors (outer thigh muscles), which include the gluteus medius.
Pose of the Garland / Malasana (Squats)
✔️Spread your legs wide apart and put your feet on the floor, toes out, starting from a seated position. Your body should be parallel to the ground.
✔️With your elbows pointing to the sides, fold your hands palm to palm in front of your mouth.
✔️To spread your legs, use your elbows.
✔️For at least 5 seconds, hold your breath.
Stretches the thigh’s internal muscles (adductors) and the iliopsoas.
Ananda Balasana / Joyful Kid Pose
✔️Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
✔️Raise your legs and place your hands on the outside of your feet.
✔️On either side of your neck, gently raise your legs up to your chest and then drop them to the floor. The lower back should be parallel to the ground.
✔️For at least 5 seconds, hold your breath.
Stretches the muscles of the inner thigh (adductors).
Salabhasana (Grasshopper Pose)
✔️Lie on your back, palms down, with your hands alongside your body and your fingers reaching your knees. The legs should be parallel to each other.
✔️Raise your brow, chest, knees, and arms as you inhale. Your attention is focused forward, forming a single line between your neck and spine.
✔️For at least 5 seconds, hold your breath.
The muscles in the back of the thigh are strengthened.
Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
✔️With your left foot, take a big step forward, extending your feet nearly the entire length of the mat.
✔️Extend your arms in front of you until they are parallel to the ground.
✔️Bend your left knee to about 90 degrees, keeping your right leg straight and your thigh parallel to the floor.
✔️The left foot’s toes point forward, and the right foot is turned to the right, perpendicular to the left. The shoes are in a straight line.
✔️Rotate your body to the right at the same time, so that your left thigh is turned to the left and your right thigh is turned to the right. The left arm and head are both pointing left, while the right arm is pointing right.
✔️Straighten your forward leg from this location. Then, with your left hand, pull it toward the ground. Turn your torso to the right by tilting it forward.
✔️Hands should face 6 o’clock and 12 o’clock, respectively. Place your left hand on your shin or, if possible, on the floor, and pull your right hand’s fingers toward the ceiling. Have your feet firmly planted on the ground.
✔️Hold your breath for at least 5 seconds before switching sides.
Stretches and strengthens the thigh’s back.
Setu Bandasana (Bridge Pose)
✔️Lie down on your back with your arms at your sides and knees bent.
✔️Raise your hips and bring your legs closer to your body, feet and knees hip-width apart, with your heels on the mat.
✔️The feet are positioned directly behind the knees.
✔️Interlace your fingers behind your back and press your fist against the mat.
✔️For at least 5 seconds, hold your breath.
Gluteal muscles are strengthened.